Tuesday, March 13, 2012

More seagulls, more chaos.

The first version of this Jonah-page was too calm for me, so I added some more sailors in mid-air and "mid-sea". And a great length of rope to add to the clutter and confusion.

In de weken voor de kerst heb ik aan de derde plaat uit the verhaal van Jonah gewerkt. Op deze plaat word hij overboord het schip gegooid, omdat hij van God weg rende.

Maar Avdent is al weer lang geleden, en in deze weken is iedereen zich op de Pasen aan het voorbereiden. Ieder op zijn en haar eigen manier, traditioneel laten sommige mensen elke dag een maaltijd staan. Anderen nemen een "scherm-vrije" week, waarin ze buiten hun werk om geen TV, computer of tablet-scherm aan hebben. Het idee is om op deze manier de vrijgemaakte tijd met de familie te besteden, of met God.
Een vriend van mijn gleed uit op weg naar z´n werk, en viel op z´n laptop. Daarbij heeft het scherm het helaas moeten begeven. Voor hem werd het dan een on-vrijwillige "scherm-vast.

Ik zou de vasten-tijd ook liever willen zijn als "tijd vrijmaken", dan de traditionele gedacht van het "afstaan van". Of het nou je lunch is of je iPad.

Just before christmas I worked with the third page in the bible-study series about Jonah. On this page he is thrown overboard the ship he was on to run away from God.
Advent was is a long time ago. These weeks, we are preparing for Easter. Everyone in his and her own way. Some people fast from food, some people take a "screen-free" week, where they will not be looking at a TV-screen, computer-screen or iPad outside of their office-hours. The idea is to spend the "freed-up" time on your family and friends. Or on God.
A friend of mine slipped on the icy road to work, a couple of days ago. His laptop broke the fall, but the screen the screen had to give way, and it has not been working since. A rather involuntary screen-fast.

I like the idea of thinking about fasting as "freeing up" time for something/Someone. Instead of the traditional idea of "abstaining from" one thing or another thing.

Here is the first version of the line-drawing where Jonah gets tossed overboard.
When it was done, It still was not chaotic enough, so I started to plan in some more elements on the computer (the pinkish-yellow lines and marks). 

Then I took my original line drawing back to the light-table, and drew in an extra length of rope, crashing pottery and screeching sea-birds. Then it got closer to the fortissimo I wanted. Time was running out, and I had to start coloring.
I still use too little time and thought on coloring, I am a lazy painter.
Here is the final picture as it has come in YWAM Norway´s magazine Mot Målet.
Can you find Jonah who is being tossed overboard? and can you find Jonah´s bag of luggage?
If you were the captain of the ship, what would you keep Jonah´s luggage, or ret rid of it?

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